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  • Writer's pictureMohamed Algarmi

TikTok Trend Encourages Theft

Written by Lukesh, Ava, and Emily What is a devious lick? Many people are wondering what a devious lick is right now, well, it is a viral TikTok trend that has spread nationwide. This trend encourages students to destroy school property and make a TikTok of it. It is almost everywhere right now, and is happening in schools across the United States. In this article we will be discussing how devious licks affect students and schools.

"The Know Your Meme site explains that the "devious licks" trend got its start earlier this month when a TikTok user posted a video of themself stealing disposable masks with the caption "a month into school absolutely devious lick. Should've brought a mask from home." Before it was removed from TikTok, the hashtag #deviouslick had gotten more than 175 million views. Now the trend has evolved to people stealing many different things. Most people steal soap dispensers and other small things but some steal things like projectors, toilets and even electronics.

September 18, 2021, the Polk County Sheriff’s Office in central Florida had arrested three Tampa Bay students for vandalism at school. Another student was arrested in a separate incident, and was charged with theft. Spokesperson Alicia Manautou says, “When you participate in something that’s damaging school property that taxpayers have paid for, then you’ve crossed that line and gone into a criminal act.” This challenge affects many groups of people. We asked students what they think about the devious lick trend and how it affects them. Aadi from Hopkins said, “At our school… People have begun stealing private property that includes things we need to recover from the pandemic and things that the teachers need to properly teach. This trend definitely should be classified as one of the most dangerous trends, and I hope it ends soon.” A student who wants to be anonymous has a similar view on the trend as Aadi, they said, “It's really stupid. I've actually gotten some of my stuff stolen (earbuds, keychains, etc) and it sucks that this isn't even the worst TikTok trend. ...I’'m glad that tiktok and youtube are trying to remove devious lick content now, and I hope this stupid trend ends soon.”

There’s no doubt that the devious lick trend has caused many problems for schools across the US. Schools are having to lock the bathrooms during the day to save themselves from being vandalized even further. After more than a month of students participating in this outrageous trend, we hope students will stop vandalizing schools before it gets out of hand.

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