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  • Writer's pictureMohamed Algarmi

The Effects of Intermittent Fasting

Written by: Ava Garcia, Pei Yun Hwang, Emily Pugh, and Lukesh Chumber

Edited and Formatted by: Lukesh Chumber

I’m sure we have all heard about the new trendy fad diet, intermittent fasting. It may seem like a simple and easy way to lose weight but it has plenty of problems like many other fad diets. So in this article, we will be talking about the pros and cons of intermittent fasting.

Before we talk about how intermittent fasting can be bad or good for you, let's talk about what intermittent fasting is. It focuses on when you eat, not what you eat. For example, going long periods without eating, like skipping a meal is intermittent fasting if you don’t eat in between. Intermittent fasting isn’t only to restrict calories, but also to allow your body to focus on maintenance and recovery.

According to “Intermittent Fasting 101” by Healthline, “During the fasting period many

things can break your fast such as caloric beverages (soft drinks, fruit juices, energy drinks and alcoholic drinks) and any sort of high-calorie food. Consuming high-calorie junk food, super-sized fried items, and treats will not help you lose weight.” Dietitian Christie Williams, M.S., R.D.N. regards the Mediterranean diet as a good blueprint of what to eat whether intermittent fasting or not. Complex, unrefined carbohydrates such as whole grains, leafy greens, healthy fats, and lean protein are things you can’t go wrong with.

Now that you know a little more about intermittent fasting, let’s get into the pros and cons! Intermittent fasting can lead to positive emotions such as a sense of reward, achievement, and pride. It can be a nice lifestyle change to help you lose weight and can even add a few years to your life. The main thing that draws people to intermittent fasting is the fact that it lets you eat what you want and only restricts when you eat, as long as you eat mildly healthy. The reason why intermittent fasting works is because after a few hours your body starts burning fat, which means you don’t even have to exercise! states, “Another study found that participants consumed 35% fewer calories and lost an average of 7.7 pounds after alternating between 36 hours of fasting and 12 hours of unlimited eating over 4 weeks.”

Although there are pros to intermittent fasting, there are cons as well. According to “9 Potential Intermittent Fasting Side Effects” by Healthline, “Additionally, if you experience prolonged side effects when practicing intermittent fasting, this may be a sign that it isn’t working for your body. These side effects could include: extreme hunger, nausea, irritability,

headaches, fatigue, faintness.” Not only does intermittent fasting affect your body, but it also affects your sleep patterns. According to “Should I talk to my doctor about fasting?| Fasting” by Dr. Jeanne Morrison Ph.D. “Before you begin any fasting regimen for weight loss, you should speak with your doctor. Fasting is not usually a recommended treatment for weight loss, since it can create problems like decreased sodium, potassium, and calcium levels as well as hypoglycemia.”

In conclusion, there are many varying opinions regarding intermittent fasting, it can be amazing for your health but could easily cause health issues. Before intermittent fasting you should talk with a doctor because they will tell you if it's right for you.

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